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- Telra Institute | Advanced Learning Charter School | Charlotte, NC
A challenging and accelerated experience for advanced learners Welcome to Telra Institute Telra Institute is a tuition-free charter school Open enrollment for grades K-10 entering in Fall 2025 is now open! Telra will expand by one grade each year through K-12. A few seats may be available for current year entry. Join the waitlist below How to enroll Register for tours dates and placement testing Watch our information session videos for prospective families Info sessions Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Search video... Now Playing 1. Why Telra 07:19 Play Video Now Playing 2. Mission Curriculum Placement 17:57 Play Video Now Playing 3. High school overview 14:04 Play Video Telra Institute is a tuition-free public school in the south Charlotte metro. Read about our location, calendar, transportation, meals, uniforms, and more. Let's Go! countdown What makes Telra different? Our Approach What program do we offer? Our Curriculum Our grouping model optimizes instructional time 15-35% More learning The Telra experience looks different for every student Each child follows their own trajectory through Telra Learn More
- Tau | Telra Institute
T elra A nnual U se Fund The Telra Annual Use Fund ( τ au) is the school's highest priority fundraising effort. If all Telra families contribute, we can close the charter school funding gap and deliver a world-class education for our students. Introducing τ au (video) How to contribute Donate now Employee matching FAQs How to contribute We've made donating to τ au simple. If you click on the Donate button below, you can choose whether you'd like to make a one-time donation or a recurring monthly donation by credit card or by bank ACH. That’s right, you can use a credit card so you can earn points or miles or cash back while you donate! Our fundraising platform Zeffy covers all the payment fees so you know every dollar you donate will go to Telra and be put to good use. On the payment screen, you will be asked to make an optional extra donation to Zeffy to help defray those credit card and bank fees. It will say "Support the 100% free platform we use! " and show you a pull-down menu to adjust your "tip". It's up to you whether you want to apply the Zeffy-requested tip, adjust it, or even dial it down to zero. We are happy to work out special arrangements if the Zeffy platform doesn't work for you. This can happen if you need to use a different process to secure an employer match, if you want to donate stock or other property, or you have other unique circumstances, Please email us at donations [at] Employee Gift Matching Programs Make your gift more impactful! Many employers will match individual donations to registered 501(c)(3) charities. Inquire with your HR department or look up your employer here to see if they participate. Some employers will require donations to be directed through their internal giving portal. Please search for: Telra Supporting Organization Tax ID 85-2744858 If you can’t find Telra already listed on your portal of choice, let us know at Frequently Asked Questions How will the funds raised via τ au be used? Please watch the video or look at the uses listed in the donation section. How is Telra accountable for the use of funds and what is the oversight? Funds raised via τ au are subject to the same transparency and accounting controls as the rest of Telra finances. Like all 501(c)(3) non-profits, Telra has to make annual financial filings. GuideStar , the premier clearinghouse for nonprofit research, gives Telra their highest rating , a Platinum Seal for transparency. Telra Institute has a highly experienced and professional Board of Directors charged with overseeing all uses of Telra funds and approving the annual budget. All income and expenditures for North Carolina charter schools are captured in regular (~monthly) financial reports shared with the Board of Directors and made available to the public. All North Carolina charter schools undergo an annual independent audit and the results are submitted to the State Department of Public Instruction. This level of transparency with monthly financial reports and board meeting minutes exceeds that of even the nation's largest nonprofits such as Feeding America, United Way, or St. Jude. How do we know the funds raised will be used efficiently? Our track record speaks for itself. For years, Telra has responsibly managed an annual budget an order of magnitude larger than τ au. As the video details, we have been diligent and efficient in deploying Telra's limited financial resources to develop our unique school program and expand on our wonderful facilities. The Telra Annual Use Fund just allows us to take this further.
- TULIP | Telra Institute
T elra U NC Charlotte L earner I nvestigation P rogram TULIP is a collaboration between Telra Institute and the Cato College of Education at UNC Charlotte to identify and cultivate academic talent in children. Our long-term goal is to broaden and strengthen the pipeline of future scholars by supporting young learners and their families with educational resources, guidance, and programming to fully develop their potential. 2022-23 Program Offerings Math Enrichment with the Charlotte/Mecklenburg Math Club The Math Club began in 1987 to provide enrichment and challenges for students who have interest and ability and mathematics. In monthly meetings, students work individually and in small groups, supported by mentors, to solve problems from various areas of mathematics and hear occasional presentations. Various divisions available for grades 4-12, and no registration is required. In-person meetings at Telra Institute , 4150 McKee Rd, Charlotte, NC 28270 October 8, 9:30am November 12, 9:30am (Special presentation from Angelina Quan, NCs top scorer in the AMC 10, at 11:30) Ja nuary 14, 9:30am-12:30pm February 18, 9:30am-12:30pm March 18, 9:30am-12:30pm April 22, 9:30am-12:30pm Po-S hen Loh 2023 Math Tour How to S urvive the ChatGPT invasion Prof. Po-Shen Loh is a social entrepreneur and inventor working across mathematics, education, and healthcare. He is a math professor at Carnegie Mellon University and the national coach of the USA International Mathematical Olympiad team. He has pi oneered innovations ranging from a scalable way for people to learn challenging math live online from brilliant people to a new way to control pandemics by leveraging self-interest Telra Institute , 4150 McKee Rd, Charlotte, NC 28270 Wednesday May 23, 7:00pm Tickets are free, but seats are limited Pre-registration required Prior Offerings Virtual Seminar - Challenges of Parenting a Gifted or 2E Kid Presenter: Alyse Bone , MS, CRC, LCMHC, RYT-200 Watch recording below. February-April 2022: Asynchronous Development in Elementary-aged students (rising K to rising grade 5) We know that talented young learners often develop in asynchronous ways, with some sets of capabilities maturing faster than others. Research staff from UNC Charlotte are offering a free multi-dimensional set of assessments that measure overall development, with a particular focus on language, reading, mathematical, and social-emotional development. Parents are also asked to complete a set of rating scales to help gain a full picture of your child’s social-emotional development. Why participate? Gain a better understanding your child – All the assessment results will be provided to you. Receive tailored guidance Educational resources or next steps for your child recommended by UNC Charlotte education experts Social-emotional advice and support resources provided by a psychologist who specializes in working with gifted and 2E children (student identities are not disclosed to the psychologist) Receive more personalized education For Telra students, the results can help staff to better understand and accommodate your child’s learning needs For non-Telra students, you can choose whether or not to share the results with your child’s school Certify your child for school gifted and talented programs Most schools do not provide free testing for gifted qualification until late 2nd or 3rd grade Securing this suite of assessments on your own could cost hundreds of dollars Note: TULIP offers a very common set of assessments, but we make no guarantee that these are accepted your school. Please check your own school/district policies regarding gifted/AIG/TD identification. Surface indications of any learning differences, such as ADHD or ASD, that could benefit from early identification and management. Help advance UNC Charlotte’s research on asynchronous development in children, with a particular focus on gifted and 2E learners. Assessments details Depending on your child’s age, they would participate in most or all of the following assessments: Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary and Middle School Students (SAGES-3 ) Test of Phonological Awareness (TOPA-2+) Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-5) Expressive Vocabulary Test (EVT-3) Raven’s Progressive Matrices (RPM/RCPM) The overall assessment time is 2-2.5 hours, plus 30-60 mins across multiple play breaks. Parents of participating children will be asked to complete a set of surveys related to your child’s academic, development, and social-emotional development. Completion of these forms should take 55-75 mins. Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC-3) Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (Vineland-3) Parenting Stress Index (PSI-4) Questions?
- ATTENDING TELRA | Telra Institute
Attending Telra Location Transportation Hours & Calendar Meals Uniforms Wrap Around Care Our Location Telra Institute was excited to open its doors in Fall 2021 on the campus of Matthews United Methodist Church. Our school building, formerly the church preschool, was already configured for young children, and we upgraded and outfitted the classrooms in preparation for our opening. In addition to classrooms, we were gratef to have access to outside space, playgrounds, a gym, and plentiful parking. In Fall 2022, we moved to our permanent home in a custom-designed building on a separate site in South Charlotte in the Providence / 485 area at 4150 McKee Rd. Our Location > Location Transportation Telra wants to ensure transportation is not a barrier to attendance. Parents have multiple transportation options: Individual parent drop-off and pick-up Carpool with other families – Telra will help coordinate carpool groupings and assist families in locating an active carpool School bus – Telra draws students from a wide area and offers families access to a free shuttle stop school bus system. Sign up details are provided to enrolled families. Arrival & Departure Meals Telra offers a daily nutritious hot lunch service as part of the National School Lunch Program. Families can qualify for free or subsidized meals. Children are of course welcome to bring lunch from home. Please contact us if you have any questions. Purchase Lunch > Uniforms Telra Institute recognizes the benefit that dress code and uniform standards have in creating a distraction-free environment for learning and in contributing to school identity and spirit. Click here to learn more. Uniforms Meals Transportation Hours Calendar Hours & Calendar Telra's school day starts at 8:15 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m . Telra’s school calendar is designed on a trimester system, each 10-13 weeks long. Click to enlarge Before & After School Care Wrap Around Care Our wrap around care program is operated by the Superlative Club . You can read more about the offering here .
- Our Partners | Telra Institute
Our Partners Thank you to our partners in the community who have helped make Telra Institute a reality. Alyse Bone MS, CRC, LPC, RYT-200 Technology Telra students and staff have access to think-cell to create professional-level charts and presentations as they learn to understand and tell stories with math. Learn more at
- Elisha Rearick | Telra Institute
Meet Our Staff Contact us using our standard email address convention Elisha Rearick K-3 Principal Elisha Rearick began her career in education as a classroom teacher at a charter school in Harrisburg where she taught third and fourth grade. She loved being a classroom teacher and always worked to challenge her students to help them reach their full potential. After her son was born, Mrs. Rearick decided to pursue her Master's in Academically and Intellectually Gifted Education at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and became a Talent Development teacher in Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools. Her passion for serving advanced learners is what drew her to Telra's approach to education. Outside of school, Mrs. Rearick loves spending time with her husband and four-year-old son, Miles. Together, they enjoy going to bookstores, hiking at parks, and playing board games. Mrs. Rearick and her family also love trying new restaurants and coffee shops, so she is always looking for recommendations! Education: Master's in Special Education: Academically and Intellectually Gifted; University of North Carolina at Charlotte BA in Psychology; Georgia State University Elementary Education Certificate; Moreland University Back to Directory
- Doru Bratescu | Telra Institute
Meet Our Staff Contact us using our standard email address convention Doru Bratescu Director of Facilities Doru Bratescu has been in the facilities administration field for over 15 years. In his role at International Pirelli Tire, he developed partnerships with external companies for janitorial cleaning, landscaping, snow removal, mechanical maintenance, electrical & HVAC maintenance, waste management and pest control. Doru also managed the relationship between Pirelli administration and over 50 suppliers in order to precisely execute the architectural designs for both grounds and structural projects. As the Facility Manager, he developed a successful and stable team that was focused on future growth of the company. Back in his home country of Romania, Doru worked as a high school teacher, educating & leading students and engaging parents in school activities to meet and exceed his yearly professional goals. Back to Directory
- Amazon Smile | Telra Institute
AmazonSmile is a great way for you to support Telra Institute . Follow the steps below to link your account. Then, shop as you normally do, and Amazon will donate a portion of the proceeds to our school. There is no cost to you! On Desktop/Browser: Search for Telra Supporting Organization and link to your Amazon Smile account Go through the Amazon Smile link when shopping to contribute 0.5% of spend to Telra (does not affect any other pricing or discounts you may get on Amazon) Note: Even once you have chosen Telra as your charity, if you shop through link, Telra will not benefit. (There is unfortunately no “default” setting here. You have to use the link) Amazon Mobile App: After you have linked Telra to your Amazon Smile account on your desktop (or browser), you can make Telra a default beneficiary on your mobile In the app, press on the 3-bars and navigate to Settings There, you should see a choice for Amazon Smile. Press there and flip the switch to “turn on” the donations to Telra
- Instructional Influences | Telra Institute
Instructional Influences An eclectic approach A diverse and differentiated curriculum calls for well-adapted instructional strategies. Telra employs a variety of research-backed approaches based on the content area, student readiness, and curricular learning goals. We use what works. Students can learn in multiple ways, so Telra’s approach is not limited to a single teaching philosophy. We identify and deploy the best of what we can find. We are open to change. Our curriculum will evolve over time as we identify better sources, tailor them to our students, and find ways to improve our instructional delivery. At Telra, the teacher’s role is paramount Over the last 20 years, there has been a shift in the teacher’s role from "sage on the stage" to "guide on the side . " While some view it as antiquated to ask students to focus on their teacher; we believe there is an important role of teacher-orators to impart wisdom. Moreover, students need to develop skills related to sustained concentration and directed attention as part of their executive function toolkit in order to be successful long term. Recent research shows that students (and especially above-average students) learn better in a classroom that is balanced with teacher-directed learning. Students need teachers who will ignite passion, convey content and meaning, and model critical thinking . At Telra, we enthusiastically adopt this ten-thousand-year tradition of holding teachers in high esteem. A great teacher is key to limitless and lifelong learning. The future is integrative As adults, most of what we do harnesses expertise across multiple disciplines. Some of the most interesting problems and the greatest opportunities for innovation lie in this kind of integrative work, an assertion that also is supported by Bloom’s Taxonomy . Bloom's Pyramid Curriculum The foundation of this taxonomy is knowledge and understanding. Project-based learning can deepen learning and foster creativity, but this is most effective after students have mastered the fundamentals.
- Careers | Telra Institute
Inspired and excited by the Telra mission? Join Us! We are assembling a high-performing team to work with our novel educational model in a culture that prizes education and esteems educators. Candidates will find a supportive environment and opportunities to excel professionally, intellectually, and financially. Telra Institute is an Equal Opportunity Employer Open Positions Visit our hiring portal to find open positions and apply. If you think you'd be a great fit, but don't see your role listed in our hiring portal, please email us your resume/cover letter and convince us! jobs [at] Telra will consider part-time applicants for all roles even where job postings are listed as full-time. Telra participates in E-Verify and welcomes all legally-authorized workers.
- Admissions Preferences | Telra Institute
Admissions Preferences Telra Institute applies admissions preferences in the student assignment process in alignment with North Carolina State Law. These are designed to strengthen our school community and help Telra maximize its impact on student education. Families who believe their student qualifies in one or more of these categories should indicate so on their application in order to improve their chances for selection in the admission lottery. Supporting documentation is not required at the time of application, but if your child is admitted, proof of eligibility must be provided to complete enrollment. The assignment order is as follows: 1. Enrollment priority groups have first access to seat assignments: Children of Staff and Board members Siblings Certain transfers Military 2. Educationally disadvantaged students have next access to up to 20% of seat assignments. 3. General applicants are assigned. Admissions Overview Enrollment Priority Groups Children of Staff and Board members Children of full-time employees and children of the Board of Directors have first priority for admission; however, this category is limited in that no more than 15% of the total school enrollment can receive this priority. Sib l ings Multiple-birth siblings (twins, triplets, etc.) A set of multiple-birth siblings who apply for admission at the same time are bundled together as one unique lottery registration. This registration does not receive priority enrollment, but if it is selected, all the multiple-birth siblings in a bundle will be offered admission together. Other siblings (non multiple-birth) An applicant who has a sibling currently enrolled at Telra Institute is eligible for priority admission. If the currently-enrolled sibling enrolled in a prior year, then the new sibling applicant will have this priority applied immediately upon submission of the application. Example: Stude nt A applies in Year 1 as a 3rd grader, is selected, and enrolls. In Year 2, Student A continues to 4th grade and his/her younger sibling, Student B, applies for entry to Kindergarten. Student B would receive priority consideration in the assignment lottery. If a child receives an offer of admission and completes enrollment in an ongoing application cycle, then any unassigned sibling applicants also in the ongoing application cycle will have a priority assigned at that time. Note that the system will identify and apply this priority automatically if two or more child applications are submitted from the same parent account. (No further action is required to "claim" sibling status.) Example: Student C applies as a 3rd grader, along with his/her sibling, Student D who is applying as a 1st grader. In the lottery, Student C is offered admission, while Student D is placed on the waitlist. Student C accepts admission and completes enrollment. At that time, Student D is assigned a sibling priority and moves up on the waitlist, increasing the likelihood of admission. An applicant who has a sibling graduate of Telra Institute is eligible for priority admission. For the purposes of this sibling priority, a "graduate" is a student who has completed the highest grade level offered by the school and who remained enrolled for at least four grade levels, or since the launch of the school. Tran sfers Other chart er school A studen t who was enrolled in another charter school in the State in the previous school year that does not offer the student's next grade level and with whom Telra has an enrollment articulation agreement Returning student A student who was enrolled at Telra wit hin the two previous school years but left the school to participate in an academic study abroad program or a competitive admission residential program or because of the vocational opportunities of the student's parent Preschool A student who was enrolled in a preschool program operated by Telra Institute in the prior year A student who was enrolled for at least 75 consecutive days in the prior semester in a preschool program operated by an entity with whom Telra has a written enrollment articulation agreement; h owever, this category is limit ed in that no more than 10% of the total school enrollment can receive this priority. Military A student whose parent or legal guardian is on active military duty. Educationally Disadvantaged Students Educationally Disadvantaged (ED) students often have limited access to advanced learning options and supports. We believe the Telra program can have an outsized impact on outcomes for these students. Educationally Disadvantaged status in admissions Educationally Disadvantaged (ED) applicants participate in a special ED lottery prior to the general lottery. Any ED students that do not win a seat in the special lottery are immediately entered in the general lottery. If offered a seat, ED applicants will be asked to provide documentation to demonstrate ED eligibility d uring the enrollment process. We urge families to read the descriptions below carefully to see if any might apply to your child. Often, parents of advanced learners do not realize that their child could achieve even more by recognizing and working to overcome areas of disadvantage. Applicants should claim Educationally Disadvantaged status and an Admission Priority if both apply. They will benefit from both in lottery assignment. Educationally Disadvantaged status is applied to any student who falls into one or more of the following classifications. 1. Economically Disadvantaged 2. Students with Disability 3. Immigrant Student 4. English Learner 1. Economically Disadvantaged This preference category aligns with Reduced-Price lunch eligibility, which means any income below 185% of the Federal poverty guideline . Tables showing income thresholds vs. family size are available here . 2. Students with Disability This preference category applies to any student that has a medical diagnosis of a disability or to any student that has a 504 or IEP plan noting a disability identification or accommodation. Many gifted children and advanced learners can fall into this category, often without their caregivers realizing it. In fact, it happens so often that there is a name for it: Twice Exceptional, or 2E . 2E children are often highly gifted or knowledgeable in at least one specific domain. In addition, they have a disability or difference, such as a specific learning disability—Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or Autism Spectrum Disorder. Sometimes their difference or disability overshadows their intelligence or knowledge, and in other cases their intelligence or verbal ability masks the difference or disability. Sometimes, simple accommodations for these students (e.g., classroom layout, understanding their learning styles, specific learning materials or coaching) can make all the difference between an educational environment that is a struggle and one that they love coming to each day. Parents may also find online screening tools helpful as a first step: Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Childhood Autism Spectrum Test Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire Ultimately, families should consult with a professional who is knowledgeable about identifying 2E students. You may want to speak with your child's pediatrician. There is no "one profile" of 2E children, and no single model works best for all of them. For example, Telra's grading system is based on measuring only one meaningful grade per week, per class. Some students might thrive in that environment, because it eliminates busywork and compliance grades. Others might dislike the idea of having fewer measurement points. Children (and schools) are unique, and only you can decide what's right for your child. For parents that don't know where to start , we'll maintain a list of licensed therapists specializing in 2E children who have offered to speak to our families as a professional courtesy to help them understand their options for identifying 2E issues and coaching them through the 504/IEP process. Alyse Bone, MS, CRC, LPC, RYT-200 - Visit website or send Alyse an email. 3. Immigrant Student This preference category applies to any student who was not born in the United States and has not attended U.S. schools for more than three full school years. If you believe both of these conditions apply to your child, you can denote "immigrant student" status in your application. Example : Your child moved to the United States at age 2, attended school in the United States starting in Kindergarten, and is currently in 2nd grade. Since the child was not born in the United States and has completed only 2.5 school years at the time of application, he or she qualifies as an immigrant student. 4. English Learner This preference category applies to any child whose most recent public or private school records identify the child as an English learner or a child who has never been enrolled in a public or private school and whose Home Language is other than English. During the enrollment process, Telra will administer a Home Language Survey . If you indicate a Home Language other than English, we will follow up with you and may perform a screening assessment to understand your child's English proficiency and to determine what kind of ongoing English Learner support they may need. If you believe your child may qualify, then we suggest you indicate English Learner status on your application. If you are not sure, you can read more about English Learner identification process , or please contact us for more information. Admissions Overview Priority Groups ED Students Economically Disadvantaged Disability Immigrant Student English Learner