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Instructional Influences

An eclectic approach

A diverse and differentiated curriculum calls for well-adapted instructional strategies. Telra employs a variety of research-backed approaches based on the content area, student readiness, and curricular learning goals.


We use what works.  Students can learn in multiple ways, so Telra’s approach is not limited to a single teaching philosophy. We identify and deploy the best of what we can find.


We are open to change.  Our curriculum will evolve over time as we identify better sources, tailor them to our students, and find ways to improve our instructional delivery.

At Telra, the teacher’s role is paramount

Over the last 20 years, there has been a shift in the teacher’s role from "sage on the stage" to "guide on the side."  While some view it as antiquated to ask students to focus on their teacher; we believe there is an important role of teacher-orators to impart wisdom.


Moreover, students need to develop skills related to sustained concentration and directed attention as part of their executive function toolkit in order to be successful long term.

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Recent research shows that students (and especially above-average students) learn better in a classroom that is balanced with teacher-directed learning.  Students need teachers who will ignite passion, convey content and meaning, and model critical thinking.  At Telra, we enthusiastically adopt this ten-thousand-year tradition of holding teachers in high esteem.


A great teacher is key to limitless and lifelong learning.

Raising Hands

The future is integrative

As adults, most of what we do harnesses expertise across multiple disciplines.  Some of the most interesting problems and the greatest opportunities for innovation lie in this kind of integrative work, an assertion that also is supported by Bloom’s Taxonomy.

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Bloom's Pyramid

The foundation of this taxonomy is knowledge and understanding. Project-based learning can deepen learning and foster creativity, but this is most effective after students have mastered the fundamentals.


4150 McKee Rd, Charlotte, NC 28270

501 (c) (3) charitable organization

© 2025 All Rights Reserved· Telra Institute of Charlotte, NC

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Student records request? Email studentrecords [at]

Telra Institute does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in admissions, employment, programs, or activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Questions or complaints regarding our grievance or non-discrimination policies can be directed to our Chancellor and Office of Civil Rights Coordinator at rights[at]


Questions, reports, or complaints regarding Title IX can be directed to the school Principal and Title IX Coordinator at TitleIX [at] or by calling 704-727-2530.


Individuals may also reach out the Federal Office of Civil Rights for questions, or to file a complaint.

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